
Blissful Relaxation Massage

Our Blissful Relaxation Massage, akin to the Swedish technique, employs gentle, flowing strokes to induce relaxation, boost circulation, and alleviate stress and tension throughout the body.

Our Active Relief Massage caters to athletes and active individuals, addressing their specific needs by focusing on flexibility, injury prevention, and enhancing athletic performance.

Active Relief Massage
Fusion Harmony Massage

Description: Our Fusion Harmony Massage blends Swedish relaxation with traditional Thai techniques, offering relaxation benefits along with stretching and compression for a rejuvenating experience.

Our Deep Tissue Restoration Massage targets chronic tension and tightness in deeper muscle layers. Using firm pressure and deliberate strokes, it aims to relieve knots and adhesions, promoting pain relief and increased mobility.

Deep Tissue Restoration Massage

Our Blissful Relaxation Massage, akin to the Swedish technique, employs gentle, flowing strokes to induce relaxation, boost circulation, and alleviate stress and tension throughout the body.

Therapeutic Release Massage

$100/60min, $150/90min, $200/120min

$100/60min, $150/90min, $200/120min

$90/60min, $135/90min, $180/120min

$90/60min, $135/90min, $180/120min

$90/60min, $135/90min, $180/120min

Custom Aromatherapy: +10

Our Custom Aromatherapy enhances the massage experience with essential oils, each chosen for its unique therapeutic properties. Clients can customize their session for relaxation, stress relief, or invigoration.

Revitalizing Scrub: +12

Description: Our Revitalizing Scrub exfoliates the skin, removing dead cells and leaving it soft, smooth, and rejuvenated.

Soothing Hot Stone Therapy: +25

Our Soothing Hot Stone Therapy utilizes smooth, heated stones to relax muscles, relieve tension, and deepen relaxation.
